TMJ / Dental
For nearly a decade, Dr. Randy James has enjoyed working alongside the dental community treating temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) and obstructive sleep apnea (sleep disordered breathing). He has extensive knowledge of the upper neck/ jaw/ airway and has become the preferred resource for dentists along the front range. From straightforward to complex, the Denver Headache and Spine Center can help.
In addition to co-treating dental cases, Dr. James has lectured extensively to dental professionals both locally and nationally. He is actively teaching courses on craniocervical anatomy and the functional airway. Dr. James serves as a liaison to the dental and upper cervical communities.
Even if you don’t suffer from head pain, dysfunction in your neck can have a tremendous influence on your jaw and airway treatment. If you have been referred by your dental professional, rest assured you are in very capable and experienced hands.