Patient Testimonials
“It was not until Dr. James started adjusting my Atlas that I began showing improvement with my neck and back alignment.”
— Jimmie Bales
“Prior to seeing Dr. James, I had seen numerous chiropractors, osteopaths, neurologists, and headache specialists. I had been suffering from headaches for over 14 years, as a result of a car accident. Every provider either told me there was nothing they could do for me, or they put me on medications. I have been seeing Dr. James since January. I am thrilled to report that I am off all of my headache medications, and have not had a headache in over two months. Dr. James and his staff are extremely accommodating, helpful and knowledgeable. Dr. James has literally changed my life! I am so thankful for the attention and service at Dr. James’ office.”
— Natalie Landau
“I have been diagnosed with Arnold Chiari Type II malformation. I was informed by my medical doctors that the only help to relieve my headaches and other pain associated with this was through surgery. After only 2 weeks of the Atlas Orthogonal treatments, I was completely symptom-free! Dr. James gave me back my life. I have complete trust in him because I have seen the positive results. Thank you Dr. James, for all you’ve done. Our lives have changed for the better because of you.”
— Michelle Lehman
“I knew I was on the road to recovery when I could get up from my desk at work and walk down the hall without having to stop because of the pain in leg and lower back. I have resumed my old exercise routine at the gym that I had to give up for awhile due to back and leg pain. Being without pain was formerly the norm for me. Now I have a deeper appreciation for those times when I can walk and exercise without pain.”
— John Bauer
“My first experience with Dr. James was not for me- my mom had traveled here and was in extreme pain. I picked up the phone book and started calling. He returned my call almost immediately-saw her the next day and took such care in her that I began seeing him myself! I had been driving to Boulder for treatments. Now I feel better and I don’t have to make the drive-Thanks! I have increased energy, over all feeling of well-being. Both are valued! I’m in sales- I have to be at my best.”
— Leslie Ashing
“Ever since I can remember I’ve suffered with migraine headaches having all the classic symptoms. From early childhood to menopause, the headache would descend without warning and I’d have to spend the rest of the day in bed. Any medications would immediately be thrown up, before it could take effect. Never could I pinpoint any cause for these headaches. During the course of my life, I was referred to neurologists, homeopathic remedies, and even chiropractic treatments. None ever worked. After menopause, I started waking up with migraines, which kept me in bed for two days. Two weeks later - the same scenario. Out of desperation, a friend referred me to Dr. James, who after examining me told me my head was off center on my spinal cord. After he started treating me, my headaches virtually vanished. Imagine being able to plan activities without worrying about an unexpected migraine!! Thank you, Dr. Randy.”
— Dee Spinuzzi
“It was greater than three years after my accident that I learned of Dr. James. During that time however, I was subjected to numerous X-rays, two MRI’s, a lengthy rides fluoroscopy, and five examinations by insurance physicians, much physical therapy, 134 chiropractic and medical treatments that included acupuncture and nerve block injections. All of these procedures were in effort to alleviate the pain. The pain was persistent. Subsequent treatments proved to be quite successful. I seldom have any pain. And when I do, one treatment puts an end to it. I not only now have a great chiropractor, but I have a great friend as well.”